Separate sealed bids for PDM FFY 2019 CITY OF CALIENTE FLOOD CONTROL APPLICATION FOR ADVANCED ASSISTANCE will be received by the City of Caliente, the Owner, at the office of the City of Caliente, PO Box 1006, if mailed by US mail, and to be delivered by hand, UPS or FedEx to 151 Clover Street, Caliente, NV 89008 on October 17, 2024, by 5:30pm. The bids will then be opened and read aloud only at a regularly scheduled Caliente City Council meeting on October 17, 2024, at 6:00pm, located at 151 Clover Street, Caliente, NV 89008. No decision will be made at this meeting.
The City of Caliente Flood Control Advance Assistance planning activity will result in the further evaluation and design of flood control improvements along Meadow Valley Wash through Caliente. The purpose of the project is to further evaluate the implementation of flood control improvements such as flood walls, channel armoring and channel shaping on the floodplain, and to prepare design documents in support of a future PDM grant submittal with the goal of obtaining funds for project implementation. Eventual implementation of the project will significantly reduce the risk of flooding to residences and businesses throughout Caliente by greatly reducing the footprint of the 100-year floodplain. Currently, the majority of the city lies within Zone A of the FEMA floodplain. The City of Caliente will oversee and administer the project with assistance from a selected contractor to complete the tasks outlined in the following Scope of Work.
The project will begin with an initial coordination meeting, site visit, and development of a design criteria memo to outline project design parameters, goals, and milestones. Field survey will then be completed to supplement the aerial survey that has been completed which includes Meadow Valley Wash. Once the survey is complete, the hydraulic modeling (HEC-RAS), to include proposed improvements, may be finalized and the layout of proposed flood control improvements (30% design) may be completed for review. Once a proposed layout has been determined, an on-site geotechnical investigation of the proposed alignment may be completed. Throughout the design phase, which includes 30%/60%/90%/100% milestones, specific tasks will be prepared and updated as the design progresses (design plans, technical specifications, construction cost estimate, basis of design memo, benefit cost analysis). Quality control and quality assurance reviews will be completed for each milestone and design review meetings will be held where design comments from key stakeholders will be reviewed and discussed. Project updates and design documents will be presented at Caliente City Council meetings.
A Floodway Improvements Study for the City of Caliente has been completed and is available for review on the City of Caliente’s website at or by calling the City of Caliente at 775-726-3131 for an in-person appointment. At the request of prospective bidders, the Floodway Improvements Study can be provided electronically by contacting Brenda Northup, City Clerk, The study included a review of historical flooding problems in Caliente, collection of aerial surveys, evaluation of watershed hydrology and sedimentology, and modeling of open channel hydraulics and sedimentation.
The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids, including, without limitation, nonconforming, nonresponsive, unbalanced or conditional bids. The Owner also reserves the right to waive all minor informalities not involving price, time, or changes in the work.